Queenstown Lakes District Council Proposed District Plan – Stage 3 Notified
The Queenstown Lakes District Council has recently notified Stage 3 of the District Plan Review. Submissions close 18 November 2019
Stage 3 is on the Industrial Zones, Township/Settlements Zones, Wahi Tupuna, Three Parks Commercial Zone, new Residential Design Guidelines and Business Mixed Use Zone Design Guidelines. A high-level summary of the main points to note are set out below.
Industrial Zones
- Arrowtown – Bush Creek Road
- Queenstown – Glenda Drive
- Wanaka – Ballantyne Road
Main points to note about the Industrial Zones are:
- A new General Industrial Zone will replace the current various industrial zones with a single zone.
- QLDC wants to exclude and restrict non-industrial type activities from these areas including office, retail, commercial and other non-industrial type activities, with the exception activities of this nature that are ancillary to industrial and service activities.
- The previous situation under the Operative District Plan was that an activity was permitted if it complied with all the site and zone standards and was not listed with any other activity status.
- Industrial and Service activities along with Office, Retail and Commercial activities which are ancillary to Industial and Service activities are proposed to be listed with a permitted activity status. Buildings are proposed to be a restricted discretionary activity as opposed to a controlled activity in the Operative District Plan.
- Commercial Recreation and Recreation activities are proposed to have a non-complying activity status as opposed to a discretionary activity in the Operative District Plan.
- Residential Activities are proposed to be a prohibited activity compared to the Operative District Plan where one residential unit per site was permitted.
Township/Settlement Zones
- Makarora
- Hawea
- Albert TownGlenorchy
- Kinloch
- Kingston
Main points to note / key changes in Township/Settlement Zones are:
- Albert Town and Hawea are rezoned to Lower Density Suburban Residential Zone from the current Township Zone. The Lower Density Suburban Residential Zone will have a permitted denisty of one residential unit per 450m2 compared to the Operative Township Zone which has a minimum lot size of 800m2.
- A Visitor Accommodation subzone is added at Kinloch.
- Additional commercial precincts added at Kingston formalise existing commercial activities at Kingston.
- Limits are placed on gross floor area of individual retail and office activities in Commercial Precincts within Township/Settlement Zones.
- Building heights within the Commercial Precincts are amended to allow for additional 1.5m building height.
Wāhi Tūpuna
Wāhi Tūpuna are places important to Ngāi Tahu for their ancestral significance and values. Areas identified include:
- All of Lakes Wakatipu, Wanaka and Hawea including foreshore and islands.
- Most rivers and foreshore in the District.
- Dart and Rees Valleys, Glenorchy area.
- Bob’s Cove, Closeburn Station, Wilsons Bay, Alpine Retreat
- Top of Fernhill, Ben Lomond, Queenstown Hill
- Areas around Arthurs Point
- Kingston and surrounds
- North-western hillsides of Lake Wanaka, Glendhu Bay and surrounds, Makarora Valley and township and ‘The Neck’ between Hawea and Wanaka
- Eastern and Western Hillsides of Lake Hawea
The Wāhi Tūpuna chapter will impose new rules within Wāhi Tūpuna areas including rules related to:
- Farm buildings
- Minimum setbacks from waterbodies
- Earthworks
- Subdivision
- Energy generation
Three Parks Area – Wanaka
The current Three Parks Special Zone is going to become a mix of:
- A new Three Parks Commercial Zone enabling large format retail
- Business Mixed Use Zone along the main street which enables a wide range of activities with a strong urban design focus.
- High Density Residential with specific site coverage requirements where the Tourism and Community Subzone is located in the special zone.
- Removal of the outline development plan provisions and introduction of specific density standards.
100 Ballantyne Road – Wanaka
It is proposed to rezone the site to Open Space and Recreation – Active Sport and Recreation Subzone from Ballantyne Road Mixed Use Zone so that sports fields can be constructed on the site.
Residential Design Guidelines
These will cover new development within the Low Density, Medium Density and High Density Zones. Anybody with an interest in construction or development within the Low Density, Medium Density and High Density Zones should review these design guidelines as development will be required to be consistent with the guidelines.
Business Mixed Use Zone Design Guidelines
These will cover new development within the Business Mixed Use Zones. Anybody with an interest in construction or development in the Business Mixed Use Zone should review these design guidelines as development within this zone will be required to be consistent with the design guidelines.
Variation to Frankton Road Height Control
Height rules are changing on sites within the yellow box below.
Variations to Open Space and Recreation Zones
There are variations to Open Space and Recreation Zones around Queenstown Town Centre, additional noise standards, additional rules around building design, amendments to rules relating to buildings on jetties, car-parking and changes to rules around natural hazard risks in the Open Space Zone.
Peninsula Bay and Wyuna Station Lifestyle Zone
Policy Changes related to subdivision and development.
Further details of the notified Stage 3 provisions and mapping programme can be obtained from the QLDC website.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions about Stage 3 of the Queenstown Lakes District Plan Review, please contact our specialist Resource Management Team.
PDF Version: Queenstown Lakes District Council Proposed District Plan – Stage 3 Notified