Christchurch Replacement District Plan – Phase 2 open for submissions

4 May 15

Phase 2 of the Replacement District Plan has been notified, with submissions due 15 June.  Phase 2 covers certain residential areas of the city (including new neighbourhoods and character areas), open space and rural areas (including quarrying), hazardous substances and contaminated land management, as well as the remaining parts of the commercial and industrial chapters that were not covered by Phase 1.

More details on the provisions and the submission/hearing process can be found here: 

Public notification of remaining chapters and topics will take place in June.  This will cover the Central City, natural and built heritage, management of coastal hazards, specific provisions related to Cranford Basin and other key recovery areas in the city.

The Proposed Christchurch Replacement District Plan is intended to deliver a single District Plan that facilitates the recovery and development of Christchurch. It will shape the future of our City as we rebuild and recover.

Please contact our Christchurch Resource Management team if you would like to discuss how the District Plan affects you.

PDF version : Christchurch Replacement District Plan – Phase 2 open for submissions

Prepared by Jen Crawford