Complaint by Greenpeace and Forest & Bird Against Exclusive Economic Zone Regulations Dismissed
The Regulations Review Committee has dismissed a complaint made by Greenpeace and Forest and Bird (the complainants) about the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects – Permitted Activities) Regulations 2013 (“the Regulations”).
The opportunity to explore and develop the natural resources of the Exclusive Economic Zone (“the EEZ”) and the Continental Shelf is a significant one for New Zealand. The Regulations combined with the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012 (the Act) are intended to allow the positive effects of such activities to be realised, while ensuring the actual and potential adverse effects are understood and managed properly.
The complainants submitted that international law imposes an obligation to measure and prevent marine pollution and thoroughly assess environmental effects, and that the Regulations are not in accordance with this obligation. The complainants also submitted that the Regulations fail to take a “precautionary approach” as required by the Act. The Review Committee has rejected the complaint.
For more information please contact our specialist Resource Management Team.
PDF version : Complaint by Greenpeace and Forest & Bird against Exclusive Economic Zone regulations dismissed