Draft Future Development Strategy for Greater Christchurch open for feedback
The Greater Christchurch Partnership has released the draft ‘Our Space 2018-2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update’, which will set the long term planning strategy for Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts. Submissions can be made until 30 November 2018.
Our Space 2018-2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update (Our Space 2018-2048) is a Future Development Strategy and is being prepared to satisfy requirements in the National Policy Statement for Urban Development Capacity (NPS). The NPS identifies Greater Christchurch as a high-growth urban area, and requires the councils to produce a future development strategy that demonstrates that there will be sufficient, feasible development capacity over the medium and long term.
Our Space 2018-2048 forecasts that housing for an additional 150,000 people will be required in the next 30 years. It identifies preferred locations for housing growth, proposing release of new greenfield areas in Rolleston, Rangiora and Kaiapoi, and measures to increase the take up of redevelopment opportunities within existing urban areas.
Our Space 2018-2048 also identifies that new commercial space is required, and proposes to focus commercial development predominantly in the central city, while still supporting developments in key activity centres, town and neighbourhood centres. It also proposes to continue investigating opportunities to facilitate redevelopment of brownfield land.
Our Space 2018-2048 identifies changes to the Regional Policy Statement required to confirm these development locations. Future urban development can only occur in locations identified in the Regional Policy Statement.
Once finalised, Our Space 2018-2048 will inform the upcoming District Plan Review processes for Selwyn and Waimakariri districts, scheduled to occur in 2019. In addition to identifying limited locations for rezoning of greenfield land, the strategy will guide decisions about accommodation of housing and business growth and intensification within existing urban areas.
Our Space 2018/2048 is open for feedback from 1 November 2018 to 30 November 2018. Following close of submissions a hearing will be held. Submitters may choose to appear before the Hearings Panel, who will consider all written and oral submissions and make recommendations on changes to the draft Strategy. A final version of the Strategy will then be considered by the Partnership for adoption in early 2019.
Want to know more?
Read the draft Our Space 2018-2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update.
To find out more about how the draft Strategy will affect you, or to make a submission, contact our specialists in the Resource Management team.
PDF version: Draft Future Development Strategy for Greater Christchurch open for feedback