Immigration Alert: AEWV Change FAQs

7 May 24


On 7 April 2024 the government introduced a number of significant changes to the AEWV scheme. This alert includes answers to FAQs received since the announcement.



Is the AEWV median wage threshold still $29.96 hourly?

Yes, for AEWV only. It has been updated to $31.61 for residence visas.

Note: the government has indicated that it is considering an alternative to the median wage threshold for AEWVs.


When a job is advertised, does it need to include the new minimum skills requirements?

No – the advertising should only include the minimum skills genuinely required for a New Zealand applicant to take up the role.


Why is it only AEWV holders that submitted applications between 21 June 2023 and 7 April 2024 that can apply for the 5-year balance?

These individuals applied on or after the date the government announced 5-year AEWVs. This group had a reasonable expectation they would be able to work in New Zealand for 5 years.


Do other visa types held prior to an AEWV count towards the maximum continuous stay?



Do the English language, minimum skills and suitably qualified requirements apply to AEWV balance applications?



Do individuals submitting a Job Change need to meet these new requirements?



When is an NZQA assessment needed for a qualification?

For offshore qualifications below Bachelor level.


Do qualifications need to be relevant to the role offered?

Yes, for qualifications below level 7 (Bachelor) degrees.


When will work experience be considered relevant?

If it is in the same industry or field.


Will INZ consider part-time work experience?

Yes, on a pro-rata basis.


Will verbal reference checks satisfy the requirement for an accredited employer to verify an individual meets the new minimum skills requirements?

No – written confirmation is needed and records must be kept.


When will a New Zealand applicant be considered ‘readily trainable’?

If they can be trained on the job within a reasonable timeframe. INZ has indicated this would usually be within 6 months.


Will INZ hold Job Check applications that don’t meet the new advertising requirements e.g. engagement with WINZ?

No – these are very likely to be declined.


Will INZ hold Job Check applications where the ANZSCO is down-graded by INZ during the assessment process?

No – these are very likely to be declined. This makes it important for employers to complete an ANZSCO assessment before a Job Check is submitted.


Our thoughts

The announced updates are complex and fact-dependent. We recommend seeking specific advice in relation to these changes, particularly if you employ AEWV holders in ANZSCO Level 4 or 5 positions.


Want to know more?

If you have any questions about this article, please contact our specialist immigration team.

PDF version here.

For more information contact:

Tash Rae