Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan now publicly notified
On 11 August 2012 the Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (PCLWRP) was publicly notified.
The PCLWRP is the first time that the quality of water from various sources, in both urban and rural areas, has been comprehensively considered in Canterbury. It will put in place methods for managing land and water resources and has the ability to affect a range of businesses and individuals within the region.
Once operative, the PCLWRP will revoke certain chapters of the Natural Resources Regional Plan (except chapters 2 and 3) and the Land and Vegetation Regional Management Plan. An essential component of the PCLWRP is the establishment of default provisions to manage the cumulative discharge of nutrients into the Region’s freshwater bodies. Other rules, policies and objectives will influence the cumulative effects of land use on water quality, discharges to land and water and water use rights.
Promulgating the PCLWRP is a Resource Management Act process and is therefore subject to the formal public submission phase following notification. Submissions on the Regional Plan will be received until 5:00pm Friday 5 October 2012.
If you or your organisation has any interest in water and land management in the Canterbury region you should review the PCLWRP and consider whether or not to make a submission on it. If you would like help in making a submission or want any further information about the PCLWRP please contact the Resource Management team.
The LWRP is attached below.