Stage 2 of Queenstown District Plan Review notified
Stage 2 of the District Plan Review has been notified. Submissions from the public close on 23 February 2018. Stage 2 includes changes to the transport, earthworks, signage and visitor accommodation rules, and the introduction of five new Open Space and Recreation Zones as well as a variation in respect of the Wakatipu Basin.
The provisions as notified can be found here.
More details on the hearing process can be found here.
If you want to have input into these District Plan Review issues and make a submission, contact our team of local experts for help.
The proposed rules take legal effect once the council issues its decision on submissions – therefore if they affect your existing operation, or one you have imminent plans for contact us to discuss your options in advance of the rules taking legal effect.
Changes relevant to developers and business owners
Changes to the transport rules include new car parking requirements, with reductions for some commercial operations but increased requirements for others such as day care facilities. There are new consent requirements for high traffic generating activities, and updates to the current roading classification system. Changes to the transport rules will also affect rental vehicle business operators.
New signage rules will require resource consent for any sign larger than 5m2 at ground level in commercial areas, and will make signs that are not advertising the activity on the property a prohibited activity. Hoardings, roof signs and signs on vehicles, trailers or permanently moored vessels, visible from any public place are prohibited.
Changes to the earthworks chapter includes more comprehensive rules for managing sediment and erosion, requiring resource consent for certain activities depending on the slope of the site, and erosion and sediment management plans for large scale earthworks.
Changes relevant to residents and visitor accommodation
Car parking requirements for most residential zones have also been reduced.
New visitor accommodation rules mean resource consent will be required for some homestay or whole home short term lets that breach the new permitted activity thresholds. The new thresholds will be much lower that what is currently permitted as of right. In most residential zones consent for visitor accommodation will be non-complying, the most stringent.
The Variation also creates a new “Wakatipu Basin Rural Amenity Zone” with areas identified as either being capable of absorbing development, or not. The new zone replaces the rural general/rural residential/rural lifestyle framework with one that is generally less permissive in terms of subdivision and building, including changing the activity status from building within an existing building platform from controlled (consent cannot be declined if compliant) to restricted discretionary (consent can be declined on a wide range of matters).
The new Open Space and Recreation Zones introduce new rules for five new zones, including parks, reserves and other land that is Council owned or managed.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions about the District Plan Review please contact our specialist Maree Baker-Galloway or Rosie Hill.
PDF Version: Stage 2 of Queenstown District Plan Review notified